[R74n OID Registration Authority Guidelines] This document contains the process for registering Object Identifiers (OIDs), as well as a list of existing OIDs, under the R74n OID arc. Dot Notation: ASN.1 Notation: {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 61117} OID-IRI Notation: /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/61117 WEID Notation: weid:pen:1B5P-1 DER Encoding: 06:08:2B:06:01:04:01:83:DD:3D R74n Standard Alpha Namespace: oid (Multiletter) oi (Two-letter) Multiplane: R001F4 (#500) URN: urn:oid: Creation Date: 2023-11-01 For the remainder of this document, "61117" will be used as a shorthand for the whole node. ======================================== 1 - Registration OIDs under the 61117 arc require explicit permission from R74n or to be listed in this document, under secton 4 - R74n OID Repository. OIDs under 61117.9000 can be requested for free by contacting R74n, either by email (contact@R74n.com) or another way. Additionally, a person or organization may freely allocate children of their R74n Wikibase item’s QID under 61117.3, if it exists. A helpful guide to registration can be found here: https://R74n.com/id/oid ======================================== 2 - Main OID Arcs The following are the direct children of the root node. ARC - PURPOSE 61117.1 - Multiplane, to identify R74n projects and concepts 61117.2 - General R74n Needs 61117.3 - R74n Wikibase, for compatibility 61117.4 - Ontomata, for compatibility 61117.5 - Notation 61117.6 - Third-party database compatibility 61117.8 - Scriptoid 61117.9 - Multiplane Unions 61117.10 - Multiplane Ranges 61117.11 - R74n Wikibase property 61117.12 - R74n Wikibase lexeme 61117.13 - R74n Wikibase entity schema 61117.100 - Confidential, subrepository hidden for privacy 61117.9000 - Requested, see section 1 61117.9998 - Experimental, for testing only 61117.9999 - Example, for explanation only Concepts may be represented by multiple OIDs in different arcs. Canonical OIDs are determined based on this priority chain, with the most important being first. For example, if a concept is represented in 61117.1 and 61117.3, the one under 61117.1 is the canonical OID for that concept. OID Priority Chain: 61117.1 > 61117.9000 > 61117.3 > 61117.4 > 61117.9998 2.1 - ASN.1 Named Identifiers Named identifiers for ASN.1 notation, based on R74n Standard Alpha Namespaces: multiplane(1) / mp(1) x-general(2) wikibase(3) / wb(3) ontomata(4) / om(4) x-notation(5) x-external(6) x-scriptoid(8) x-union(9) x-range(10) x-property(11) x-lexeme(12) x-entityschema(13) x-private(100) x-requested(9000) experiment(9998) example(9999) ======================================== 3 - Inherent OIDs The following OID arcs contain inherently valid children which are based off existing databases or standards. ARC. - PURPOSE 61117.1. - Multiplane 61117.3. - R74n Wikibase 61117.4. - Ontomata 61117.5.2.0. - Negative Numerical Value (e.g. -7) 61117.5.2.0.. - Negative Numerical Value (e.g. -7.4) 61117.5.2.1. - Positive Numerical Value (e.g. 7) 61117.5.2.1.. - Positive Numerical Value (e.g. 7.4) 61117.5.10. - Unicode Character (e.g. 182 == ¶) 61117.5.10..... - String (e.g. == R74n) 61117.5.11. - Color Code (e.g. 65535 == #00ffff) 61117.5.12.0. - Gregorian Year BC 61117.5.12.0.. - Gregorian Year+Month BC 61117.5.12.0... - Gregorian Year+Month+Day BC 61117.5.12.1. - Gregorian Year AD (e.g. 2017) 61117.5.12.1.. - Gregorian Year+Month AD (e.g. 2017.5) 61117.5.12.1... - Gregorian Year+Month+Day AD (e.g. 2017.5.2) 61117.5.13.
- Hour in 24HR format (e.g. 13) 61117.5.13.
. - Hour+Minute in 24HR format (e.g. 13.37) 61117.5.13.
.. - Hour+Minute+Second in 24HR format (e.g. 13.37.42) 61117.5.13.
... - Time+Milliseconds 61117.5.14..... - Version Number (e.g. 1.8.6) 61117.5.15.... - IPv4 Address {CvM1} (e.g. 61117.5.16.... - IPv6 Address {CvM4} (e.g. 8193.6904.18688.40978. == 2001:1af8:4900:a012:2::1337) 61117.5.20. - Integer representation of ONLY R74n Namespace UUIDv5s [https://R74n.com/id/uuid] 61117.6.1. - Wikidata item [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q$1] 61117.6.2. - Wikidata property [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P$1] 61117.6.3. - Wikidata lexeme [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Lexeme:L$1] 61117.6.4. - Periodic Table element (e.g. 2 == Helium) 61117.6.5. - Discord numeric user ID 61117.6.6. - Twitter numeric user ID 61117.6.7. - FoodData Central food [https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/$1] 61117.6.7..... - Food recipe 61117.9..... - Multiplane Union (e.g. 35.40.36) 61117.10.. - Multiplane Range (e.g. 256.767) 61117.11. - R74n Wikibase property [https://data.R74n.com/wiki/Property:P$1] 61117.12. - R74n Wikibase lexeme [https://data.R74n.com/wiki/Lexeme:L$1] 61117.13. - R74n Wikibase entity schema [https://data.r74n.com/wiki/EntitySchema:E$1] For example, 61117.1.273 is automatically allocated to Sandboxels, R00111 (#273) in the Multiplane. Note for external repository managers: These inherent OIDs do NOT need to be listed in the repository, as they are automatically valid. However, any may be listed for convenience. 3.1 - Conversions The following standard conversion methods are sometimes used to convert identifiers into decimal form. CvM0: Keep as is, for decimal values (Default) 1234 == 1234 CvM1: Keep each section as is as separate children, for decimal values 123:456:789 == 123.456.789 CvM2: Convert complete hexadecimal string to decimal 123de == 74718 CvM3: Position individual hexadecimal sections together and convert to a single decimal 123:abc:456:def == 20043476069871 CvM4: Convert individual hexadecimal sections to separate decimal children 123:abc:456:def == 291.2748.1110.3567 CvM5: Position each ASCII character decimal value together test == 116101115116 CvM6: Convert each ASCII character to separate decimal children test == ======================================== 4 - R74n OID Repository The following list contains OIDs with definitions, as opposed to being inherent. Definitions here take priority over any inherent ones. 61117.1 - Multiplane, to identify R74n projects and concepts 61117.1.273 - Sandboxels 61117.1.500 - R74n OID Registration Authority 61117.2 - General R74n Needs 61117.3 - R74n Wikibase, for compatibility 61117.4 - Ontomata, for compatibility 61117.5 - Notation 61117.5.0 - Null 61117.5.1 - Boolean 61117.5.1.0 - False (Boolean) 61117.5.1.1 - True (Boolean) 61117.5.1.2 - Maybe (Boolean) 61117.5.2 - Numerical Value 61117.5.2.0 - Negative Numerical Value 61117.5.2.1 - Positive Numerical Value 61117.5.10 - Unicode Character 61117.5.11 - Color Code 61117.5.11.65535 - R74n Cyan (#00ffff) 61117.5.12 - Gregorian Dates 61117.5.12.0 - Gregorian BC 61117.5.12.1 - Gregorian AD 61117.5.13 - Time of Day 61117.5.14 - Version Number 61117.5.15 - IPv4 Address 61117.5.16 - IPv6 Address 61117.5.20 - UUIDv5 in the Official R74n Namespace 61117.5.20.268538275572115285380101426435393060980 - Official R74n Namespace UUIDv5 [https://R74n.com/uuid.txt] 61117.6 - Third-party database compatibility 61117.6.1 - Wikidata item 61117.6.2 - Wikidata property 61117.6.3 - Wikidata lexeme 61117.6.4 - Periodic Table element 61117.6.5 - Discord user 61117.6.6 - Twitter user 61117.6.7 - Food recipe 61117.6.7 - FoodData Central food 61117.6.7.51154100.2341260.51154100 - Plain hamburger 61117.8 - Scriptoid 61117.9 - Multiplane Unions 61117.10 - Multiplane Ranges 61117.11 - R74n Wikibase property 61117.12 - R74n Wikibase lexeme 61117.13 - R74n Wikibase entity schema 61117.100 - Confidential, subrepository hidden for privacy 61117.9000 - Requested, see section 1 61117.9000.1 - infernostars [https://www.infernity.dev/oid-schema.txt] 61117.9000.2 - alice [https://hosted.oidplus.com/r74n/?goto=oid%3A1.] 61117.9000.3 - ggod 61117.9000.5 - meese/jayd 61117.9000.6 - Wikibee 61117.9000.7 - Test Individual 61117.9000.8 - Test Organization 61117.9000.9 - Serioustar 61117.9000.10 - Doc 61117.9000.11 - steyero 61117.9000.12 - Sandboxels Standardized Design Authority 61117.9000.13 - Post::Text 61117.9000.14 - Solar Smash 61117.9000.15 - R74n Adoption Agency 61117.9000.16 - RUBYinc 61117.9000.123 - Requested Example 61117.9998 - Experimental, for testing only 61117.9999 - Example, for explanation only