About Rue
Rue is a chatbot specialized for navigating and exploring R74n projects. It is found by default on the main page, and can currently be activated on any page of the main R74n website by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + R.
You can leave suggestions with the Feedback Form, or say "Rue feedback".
Required, Optional, *incomplete
Table of Contents
User Manual
Keyboard Shortcuts
Along with your browser and operating system's default controls, Rue has some special keyboard shortcuts to maximize efficiency.
You can paste an image, but no commands make use of it right now.
Shortcut | Action |
Enter | Send message |
Escape | Close response > Clear message > Unfocus |
Ctrl/Cmd + C | Copy response (If no selection) |
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + E | Focus or summon Rue |
Commands can be typed with arguments after them.
Arguments are typed after the command, following a space or colon (:).
Example: say Hello there!
Arguments are separated by spaces, but can be grouped together with quotes, "like this". Some commands group them all together by default, like say
You can run multiple commands at once by separated them with two semicolons (;;).
If your only argument is "this", it will be replaced with the last text you highlighted. (e.g. translate this
Command | Description |
number unit to unit numberunit to unit convert number unit to unit convert unit to unit | Convert units with Unit Converter |
8ball question 8-ball question eightball question | Ask a yes-or-no question |
12-hour time | Get the current time in 12-hour format |
24-hour time military time | Get the current time in 24-hour format |
accountage userage followage watchtime | See how long you've been using Rue |
add alias alias command new alias alias command create alias alias command | Run a command when alias is entered |
add counter name start new counter name start create counter name start | Count up when text is entered |
add link name url new link name url create link name url | Go to a URL when text is entered |
add list name items new list name items create list name items | Add values to a list; Comma-separated |
add mod url enable mod url install mod url | Run a JavaScript file every page load |
add tag name response new tag name response create tag name response | Respond with parsed text when tag is entered |
aiport code | View an airport on Flightradar24 |
alias alias check alias alias | Get the contents of a command alias |
aliases alias list list aliases every alias custom commands | Show all custom command aliases you've made |
alignment name | See someone or something's moral alignment |
allchemy element allchemy @username allchemy search query allchemy items | View an Itempedia entry or user profile on Allchemy |
animal | Get a random animal image |
append tag name text | Add more text to the end of a tag |
archive url wayback url | See Wayback Machine's archives of a page; Defaults to current URL |
archive.is url | See archive.is archives of a page; Defaults to current URL |
archive.ph url archive.today url | See archive.ph archives of a page; Defaults to current URL |
args ... | Repeat arguments separated by commas |
baconipsum | Get a random assortment of meat words |
bad eyesight mode take off glasses blur page | Blur the current page |
balance bal money cash coins ruecoins ruecoin | See how many Ruecoins you currently have |
bank | See how many Ruecoins you've deposited |
battery | See your battery percentage and charging status |
bear | Get a random bear image |
beard | Get a random beard image |
bigcat big cat | Get a random big cat image |
bing query | Search Microsoft Bing |
bing images query | Search Bing Images |
bird birb | Get a random bird image |
black and white grayscale black & white b&w | Add a black and white effect to the page |
blink me | Make yourself blink (Epileptic) |
blink | Blink Rue's eyes once |
blockquote text | See text in a quote block |
btc bitcoin | Get the current Bitcoin price from CoinGecko |
buy term purchase term shop term shopping term | Search Google Shopping or one of our Official Rue Partners |
cache url cached url | See a cached page on Google; Defaults to current URL |
calculate expression calc expression eval expression evaluate expression math expression calculation expression calculator expression | Solve a mathematical expression |
call number | Get a link to call a phone number |
cat gif catgif | Get a random cat GIF |
cat | Get a random cat image |
catgirl | Get a random anime catgirl image (18+ but SFW) |
century what century is it what's the century | Get the current century |
char text codepoint text character text chars text unicode text | View Unicode codepoints of text characters |
char count text charcount text len text length text | Simple character counter |
check link name | Get the URL of a custom link |
check list name see list name open list name view list name listname | See the contents of a list |
choose between options | Select a random item from a list; Comma-separated |
clear cache | Clear the cache on the current page |
clear cookies | Permanently delete all cookies from the current page |
clear list name delete list name del list name | Clear and delete a list |
clear mods | Remove all mods from Rue |
clicker | Click the clicker once |
clinical trial query med trial query | Search medical studies on ClinicalTrials.gov |
codeblock text | See monospaced text |
coffee | Get a random coffee image |
coinflip coin flip flip a coin heads or tails | Flip a coin |
color picker | Get a very simple quick color picker |
compatibility name name compat name name | See how compatible 2 people are |
cookie name value | View or set a cookie on the current page |
cookies | View all cookies on the current page |
copy text | Copy text to your clipboard |
copy that | Copy the last response to clipboard |
copy url linkname copy link linkname | Copy a link to clipboard; Defaults to current URL |
corgi | Get a random corgi image |
count text count words text word count text wordcount text | Simple word counter |
countdown time | Visually count down from an amount of time |
counter name check counter name | Get the current value of a counter |
counters counter list list counters | Show all custom counters you've started |
covid us | Get United States COVID-19 data |
covid coronavirus corona | Get global COVID-19 data |
csearch query | Search the Copy Paste Dump |
custom links | Show all custom links you've added |
daily picture daily image daily photo dailypic dailyimg | Get a random image each day |
daily daily reward daily coins daily gift | Get a package of Ruecoins each day |
dataset query | Search datasets on Data.gov |
date in timespan day in timespan time in timespan | See the date or time after a timespan (e.g. 10 hours) |
date day today what day is it what's today's date | Get the current date |
day of the year what day of the year is it what's the day of the year doty | Get the current day number of the year |
deafen | Stop Rue from listening/reading |
deal card amount playing card amount pick a card amount | Deal playing cards from a standard 52-card deck |
decade what decade is it what's the decade | Get the current decade |
define term wiktionary term dictionary term def term | Search English Wiktionary |
deposit amount | Store Ruecoins in the bank |
dhl code | Track a package from DHL |
dice sides roll a die sides diceroll sides roll sides dice rollsdsides dsides rollsdsides dice rolls sides | Roll an x-sided die |
ding | Make a bell ding sound |
dog doggy doggo | Get a random dog image |
dogecoin | Get the current Dogecoin price from CoinGecko |
download url dl url cobalt url | Use cobalt to download media from YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and much more |
duck ducky | Get a random duck image |
duplicate tab | Open the current website in another tab |
edit page edit this page editpage design mode | Toggle ability to manually edit the current page |
email address text email to address | Get links to email an address |
eth ethereum | Get the current Ethereum price from CoinGecko |
event | Get the current R74n logo event; Only works on main page |
export data backup data data backup | Download any user data Rue has |
facetime number | Get a link to FaceTime a phone number |
favicon.extension | Go to an R74n icon format |
fax number | Get a link to fax a number |
fcc equipment id | View an FCC report for a device |
fedex code | Track a package from FedEx |
feedback for project fb for project submit suggestion for project report bug on project project feedback project fb project suggestions | Open the feedback form for a project; Words are interchangeable |
feedback responses for project project fb responses | Open the feedback response sheet for a project |
feeling lucky i'm feeling lucky random page random link | Go to a random R74n link |
file size filesize | See how large Rue's script is |
flight code | View a flight on Flightradar24 |
fortune fortune cookie today's fortune fortune of the day daily fortune fotd | Get a 100% real coordinated fortune each day |
fox | Get a random fox image |
foxgirl | Get a random anime foxgirl image (18+ but SFW) |
gamble amount | 50% chance to lose or double Ruecoins (18+) |
generate password length passgen length | Generate a secure random password |
giphy text | Search Giphy for GIFs |
go blind | Make the current page black |
google query | Search Google |
google images query gimages query imagesearch query imgsearch query gimg query | Search Google Images |
google lens imageurl glens imageurl | Search with an image on Google Lens; Defaults to current URL |
google news text gnews text | Search Google News |
google web query googleweb query gweb query websearch query udm14 query | Search Google without distractions |
goose | Get a random goose image |
goto url go to url | Navigate to a URL |
highlighter text | See text with a yellow highlight |
httpcat code | Get a cat for an HTTP status code |
httpdog code | Get a dog for an HTTP status code |
httpgarden code | Get a garden for an HTTP status code |
https http | Switch between HTTP and HTTPS on the current page |
husky | Get a random husky image |
i am over 16 | Allow 16+ commands |
i am over 18 | Allow 18+ commands |
i am over 21 | Allow 21+ commands |
i don't have epilepsy | Allow commands that could trigger an epileptic seizure |
imgops url | View data about an image by URL on ImgOps |
import data | Import previously downloaded user data into Rue |
inv item inventory bag items | See all your items or a specific item |
invert colors | Invert the colors on the page |
invisible ink text | See text without seeing it |
iplookup address ipl address rdns address geolocate address what's my ip ip address | Find a location based on an IP address |
iq name iqscore name my iq | See a totally accurate IQ score prediction |
is service down? downdetector service is url down? | Check Downdetector for service outages |
iso date what iso date is it what's the iso date | Get the current ISO 8601 date |
joke tell me a joke tell a joke say a joke | Get a random joke from JokeAPI |
jquery | Enable JQuery on the current page |
karma decay url karmadecay url | Reverse image search a URL on Reddit |
kill me murder me | Simulate death realistically with Rue (18+, Epileptic) |
kitten | Get a random kitten image |
leave self-destruct go away hide run away exit close turn off lockdown shut up lockdown shutdown shut off disconnect dc uninstall | Remove Rue from the webpage |
level lvl rank | View your current level |
links urls hrefs | Show all links on the current page |
lists list list | See all lists you've made |
lizard | Get a random lizard image |
lock | Disable Rue input until page refresh |
lottery | Buy a lottery ticket for a chance to win it big (18+) |
louder | Turn any Rue audio volume up 10% |
lower text lowercase text | Make text lowercase |
luciteria term | Search Luciteria |
luck daily luck luck of the day lotd | See how lucky you are today |
mcserver ip | Check the status of a Minecraft: Java Edition server |
me action | *plays out your action* |
me stats statistics my data user data my stats user stats | See all of your Rue user data |
meat | Get a random meat image |
metadata | View all metadata on the current page |
millenium what millenium is it what's the millenium | Get the current millenium |
mod list list mods | See all JavaScript files that run every page load |
monero xmr | Get the current Monero price from CoinGecko |
monkey | Get a random monkey image |
month what month is it what's the month | Get the current month |
mute audio | Stop Rue from playing any audio |
mute timeout sound off mute rue | Stop Rue from talking |
my name is text | Set your first name |
myimage seed my image seed | Get a unique image based on any text |
myrobot seed my robot seed | Get a unique robot based on any text |
new tab | Open a blank tab |
no parameters no params | Remove all URL parameters from the current page |
number min max number max number between min and max rng min max range min max number from min-max | Generate a random number; Defaults 1-100 |
oid oid | Resolve an R74n Object Identifier (OID) |
ordinal date what ordinal date is it what's the ordinal date | Get the current ordinal date |
origin | Get the origin (protocol and domain) of the current page |
os operating system platform | Attempt to get your operating system |
past life my past life pastlife | See what you were in a past life |
paste clipboard | Paste text from your clipboard |
patent number | View a US patent on Google Patents |
pathname path | Path of the current webpage |
permalink message | Get a Rue link for the current page |
pin url | Add a page to Pinterest; Defaults to current URL |
ping url pong url fetch url | Ping a website; Defaults to current page |
planecode code | Jump to an entity in the Multiplane |
previous page back a page last page back button | Go to the previous webpage |
Open dialog to print the current page | |
protocol | Protocol of the current website |
qrcode link or text | Generate a QR Code; Defaults to current page URL |
query string params url params url query | Get the URL parameters of the current page |
quieter | Turn any Rue audio volume down 10% |
rainbow | Add an animated rainbow effect to the page |
random character length randchar length | Generate random letters, digits, and punctuation |
random digit length randdigit length | Generate random digits |
random letter length randletter length | Generate random letters |
random lowercase length | Generate random lowercase letters |
random punctuation length randpunc length random symbol length | Generate random punctuation |
random uppercase length | Generate random uppercase letters |
rate thing | Get Rue's official rating out of 10 |
rate me rateme | Rue gives you an official rating out of 10 |
reboot restart reload rue refresh rue reset | Have Rue load up again |
redtext text orangetext text yellowtext text greentext text limetext text cyantext text bluetext text purpletext text magentatext text pinktext text blacktext text whitetext text graytext text browntext text | See colored text |
refresh reload | Refresh the current page |
remaining deck remaining cards current deck | See the cards left in the deck for 'deal card' |
remove alias alias delete alias alias rm alias alias del alias alias | Delete an existing command alias |
remove counter name delete counter name rm counter name del counter name stop counter name | Delete an existing counter |
remove link name delete link name rm link name del link name | Delete an existing custom link |
remove list name items rm list name items | Remove values from a list; Comma-separated |
remove mod url disable mod uninstall delete mod url del mod url rm mod url | Stop running a JavaScript file every page load |
remove tag name delete tag name rm tag name del tag name | Delete an existing tag |
rename alias alias newalias | Rename an existing command alias |
rename counter name newname | Rename an existing counter |
rename link name newname | Rename an existing custom link |
rename tag name newname | Rename an existing tag |
repeat that say that again come again what | Repeat the last response |
reset counter name | Set the value of a counter to 0 |
reset data erase data | Erase any user data Rue has |
reset deck reset cards | Reset the playing cards for 'deal card' |
resolve identifier id identifier identifier identifier | Attempt to resolve an identifier, especially R74n IDs |
robots.txt | Go to robots.txt of the current website |
rue size 0.5-2 | Change the size of the Rue input |
rue, command | Run a command |
ruegex key ruegexes ruegex list list ruegex | Technical; See a Ruegex key or list them all |
russian roulette | Play with your life (18+, Epileptic) |
sandboxels.wiki.gg/... | Go to a Sandboxels Wiki URL |
santa says thing | Rue Claus determines which dichotomic list you're on |
save archive link | Save a page in the Wayback Machine; Defaults to current page URL |
save archive.is link | Save a page in archive.is; Defaults to current page URL |
save archive.ph link save archive.today link | Save a page in archive.ph; Defaults to current page URL |
save that | Save the last response to 'saved responses' |
saved responses | View all saved responses |
say text print text simon says text speak text announce text parse text echo text repeat after me text | Repeat parsed text |
sayraw text tellraw text | Repeat unparsed text |
sbsearch query | Search the Sandboxels Wiki |
schema validator url | Validate Schema on Schema.org; Defaults to current URL |
screenshare screen share | Begin sharing your screen with Rue |
search query look up query query query | Query all R74n projects with Search |
sepia | Add a sepia effect to the page |
set counter name value | Set the value of a counter |
set title text | Change the title of the current page |
shibe shiba inu shiba | Get a random shiba inu (dog) image |
shout text yell text scream text exclaim text | Repeat text in all caps with exclamation points |
shuffle deck shuffle cards | Randomize the playing cards for 'deal card' |
similarweb url | See similar websites on Similarweb; Defaults to current URL |
sitesearch domain query sitesearch query search this site query search site query | Search Google for a domain |
skull | Get a random skull icon |
sleep go to sleep bed time time for bed | Put Rue to sleep; Press her 10 times to wake |
slots amount slot machine amount | Chance to lose or get 9x Ruecoins (18+) |
smug | Get a random smug anime GIF |
sort options | Sort options alphabetically |
speedtest url pagespeed url | Test page speed with Google; Defaults to current URL |
spoiler text | See text hidden by a spoiler button |
spread text spread amount text | Add spaces between characters |
staring contest | Engage in a fierce competition with Rue |
sticky text | Stop message box from disappearing |
stop blinking | Make Rue stop blinking |
streamer mode | Toggle Streamer Mode to prevent responses with personal information |
suffle options | Randomly arrange a list |
tag name check tag name | Get the unparsed contents of a tag |
tags tag list list tags | Show all custom tags you've added |
tenor text | Search Tenor for GIFs |
thanos snap | Delete either Rue or you |
throw away item amount throw out item amount trash item amount | Remove an item from your inventory |
time until date time since date days until date days since date | See how far away a date is |
time what time is it what's the time | Get the current time of day |
timer time | Make an alert after amount of time |
timestamp what's the timestamp unix timestamp epoch time | Get the current Unix timestamp |
timezone what timezone am i in what's my timezone | Get your current timezone |
tinyurl url | Shorten a link with TinyURL; Defaults to current URL |
title text titlecase text | Make text Title-Cased |
title pagetitle page title | Get the current page title |
tnt code | Track a package from Track & Trace |
tomorrow | Get tomorrow's date |
tota11y | Summon the tota11y webpage accessibility tester |
translate text google translate text gtranslate text tl text | Translate text into English with Google Translate |
translate page url proxy url | Translate a page with Google Translate; Defaults to current URL |
tts text text to speech text texttospeech text t2s text pronounce text sound out text | Read text aloud if your browser supports it |
turbowarp tw | Opens TurboWarp Editor |
undeafen | Re-allow Rue to listen/read |
unfocus | Stop typing to Rue |
unmute audio | Re-allow Rue to play audio |
unmute untimeout sound on unmute rue | Re-allow Rue to talk |
unshorten url | See where a shortened link redirects to; Defaults to current URL |
unsticky | Re-allow message box to disappearing |
upper text uppercase text capitalize text | Make text UPPERCASE |
ups code | Track a package from UPS |
uptime age how old are you what's your age | Time since Rue was first put on the Internet |
urban dictionary word udefine word uddefine word defineud word ud word | Search Urban Dictionary (18+) |
url link currenturl href | Get the current page URL |
urn:urn | Resolve an R74n Uniform Resource Name (URN) |
us census query | Search United States Census data |
useragent | Show your browser information |
usps code | Track a package from the US Postal Service |
utc time what utc time is it what's the utc time | Get the current time in Coordinated Universal Time |
volume percent volume percent | Change the volume of any Rue audio |
waifu | Get a random anime girl image (18+ but SFW) |
warn text | Repeat text in a red alert box |
wbsearch query | Search the R74n Wikibase |
weather weather in location weather near me | View basic weather information, defaults to your area |
webaim url | Test webpage accessibility with WebAIM |
website url hostname url host url domain url site url | Extract the domain of a page; Defaults to current URL |
website hostname host domain host name site | Get the current website |
week what week is it what's the week | Get the current week of the year |
weekday day of the week what weekday is it what's the weekday dotw | Get the current day of the week |
what's my key | Get the value of a Rue user data point |
whois url | See web host information on DomainTools; Defaults to current URL |
wikihow to action | Search wikiHow for tutorials |
wikipedia text wp text wikipedia.org text | Search English Wikipedia |
win rate winrate win% | See how often you win Rue games |
window size page size | Get the size of the current window |
withdraw amount | Collect deposited Ruecoins from the bank |
wolfram text wolframalpha text | Search WolframAlpha |
xkcd number | View an XKCD comic |
xp exp experience points | View your XP |
yatranslate text | Translate text with Yandex Translate |
yatranslate page url yaproxy url | Translate a page with Yandex Translate; Defaults to current URL |
year what year is it what's the year | Get the current year |
yesterday | Get yesterday's date |
counter counter amount +counter counter +amount | Increase a custom counter |
-counter -counter amount counter -amount | Decrease a custom counter |
The following commands can only be run in Rue Chat:
Command | Description |
export session export chat download session backup session | Download the session in JSON |
print session print chat print pdf export pdf download pdf | Print or download the session in PDF |
export txt download txt backup txt | Download the session in plain text |
copy session copy chat | Duplicate the session |
save session load session rename session delete session backup rue chat | [Informational] |
If you wish, commands can also be run in function format, like so: sort(b,c,g,b,e,a,f)
or length(testing
Auto Recognition
Rue can also recognize many forms of text to provide relevant information, such as identifiers or addresses.
Format | Description |
https://... http://... www.... ....com | Webpage |
/... ../... | Relative link |
latitude,longitude numberN,numberE | Coordinate pair |
date | Date |
dsides rollsdsides | Dice notation |
email address | Email address |
plane code | FAA airplane registration number |
xxxxxxxxxxxx | FedEx tracking code |
#hashtag | Hashtag |
#hex | Hexadecimal color code |
hsl(h,s%,l%) hsla(h,s%,l%,a) | HSL or HSLA color code |
#id .className | HTML element on page |
flight code | IATA flight number |
callsign | ICAO aircraft callsign |
isbn | International Standard Book Number (ISBN) |
x.x.x.x | IPv4 address |
x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x | IPv6 address |
Rxxxxx | Multiplane planecode |
Rxxxxx-Rxxxxx | Multiplane range |
Rxxxxx+Rxxxxx | Multiplane union |
x.x.x... | Object Identifier (OID) |
phone number | Phone number |
:shortcode: | R74moji |
Pnumber | R74n Wikibase property |
Qnumber | R74n Wikibase item |
subdomain.R74n.com/... | R74n URL |
u/username | Reddit profile |
rgb(r,g,b) rgba(r,g,b,a) | RGB or RGBA color code |
$ticker | Stock or cryptocurrency |
address | Street address |
r/subreddit | Subreddit |
U+codepoint U+codepoint U+codepoint | Unicode codepoint |
urn:... | Uniform Resource Name (URN) |
0xxxxxxxxxxx | UPC number / Barcode |
ups tracking code | UPS tracking code |
1Z... | UPS tracking code |
url | URL |
xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx | USPS tracking code |
vin | Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) |
Activities lock you into a game or other multi-step process.
They can be left by saying one of the following phrases: Exit, Stop, Cancel, Close, X, Leave, Shut Up, End, Quit, Escape, Finish, or Pause.
This is currently a work-in-progress feature.
Activity | Description |
rps rock paper scissors | Play rock-paper-scissors with Rue |
cups | Guess which cup contains a ball |
higher or lower hol | Guess a number with Rue |
testactivity | Test Activity |
Rue has a collection of links to every R74n project, which you can quickly access by typing any of these keywords.
You can navigate to a subpage of the link by separating it with a colon (:) or slash (/).
For some, this will even provide extra shortcuts, like fonts:Hello World
- sandboxels → https://sandboxels.R74n.com/
- sb:changes → https://sandboxels.R74n.com/changelog
- cpd/unicode/animals → https://c.R74n.com/unicode/animals
Not everything is included in this list below.
Shortcut | Project Page |
ant funeral | Every Ant on Earth Funerals |
ants eaoe ant browser | Every Ant on Earth |
artfight draw rue | Rue's Character on Art Fight |
binary | Copy Paste Dump - Binary Translator |
box | Shulker Boxes |
braille | Copy Paste Dump - Braille Generator |
chat rue chat | Rue Chat - Save Your Sessions |
collab | Collaboration Opportunities |
commons:calendar calendar events | R74n Calendar |
commons:doc guestbook commons:docs | R74n Guestbook |
commons:earth | Commons Google Earth |
commons:form | Commons Google Form |
commons:group | Commons Google Group |
commons:map loremap emanations | Emanation Map |
commons:microsoftform | Commons Microsoft Form |
commons:microsoftlist | Commons Microsoft List |
commons:painting | Commons Pixel Place |
commons:sheet | Commons Google Sheet |
commons:slides | Commons Google Slides |
commons:todo | Commons Microsoft To Do |
commons:university commons:classroom | R74n University |
commons:whiteboard commons:jamboard | Commons Google Jamboard |
commons | R74n Commons |
community projects | Community Projects |
convert converter convert units unit converter | Unit Converter |
cook:pr icpr | Infinite Chef Mod Submissions |
cpd:all cpd:pages | Copy Paste Dump - All Pages |
cpd c copypastedump copy | Copy Paste Dump |
discord discord.gg dgg server | R74n Discord Server |
contact@R74n.com | |
emoji artist emojiartist @CopyPasteDump | emoji artist Twitter |
emoji emojis | Copy Paste Dump - Every Emoji |
emojipasta | Copy Paste Dump - Emojipasta Generator |
emoticons | Copy Paste Dump - Text Faces |
entity | Copy Paste Dump - HTML Entity Encoder |
example_mod.js | Sandboxels Example Mod |
feedback fb ufbs | Universal Feedback System |
fonts font | Copy Paste Dump - Font Generator |
fonts font | Copy Paste Dump - Font Generator |
gaster | Copy Paste Dump - W.D. Gaster Translator |
giphy gifs | R74n Giphy |
github git gh | R74n GitHub |
guess the flag | Guess the Pixel Flag |
halacae | Halacae Doc |
hexadecimal | Copy Paste Dump - Hexadecimal Translator |
hieroglyph | Copy Paste Dump - Hieroglyph Generator |
hiew:changes | Hello in Every Way Changelog |
hiew hello in every way hellos | Hello in Every Way |
icons | R74n Icon Page |
id request request ids | Identifier Request Form |
id ids identifiers | R74n Identifier Page |
infinite chef cook ic | Infinite Chef |
instagram insta ig @R74ndev | R74n Instagram |
jsonescape | Copy Paste Dump - JSON Escaper |
leet | Copy Paste Dump - Leet Speak Generator |
link | R74n Shortened Link |
lore | R74n Lore |
main R74n / | Main R74n Website |
mc | Minecraft Tools |
mix mixup | Mix-Up! |
moji mojis R74moji | R74moji |
morse | Copy Paste Dump - Morse Code Translator |
multiplane | Multiplane |
notepad | Rue's Notepad |
octopi | Types of Octopi |
old | R74n Time Machine (Old Site) |
patreon | R74n Patreon |
picrew | R74n Picrew |
piglatin | Copy Paste Dump - Pig Latin Generator |
pinterest pins | R74n Pinterest |
pixelflags flags | PixelFlags |
pogchamps | All Twitch PogChamps |
qol | Quality of Life Datapack |
r/sandboxels | Sandboxels Subreddit |
reddit R/74n subreddit r/ | R74n Subreddit |
regional | Copy Paste Dump - Regional Indicator Generator |
response sheet ufbs sheet | Universal Feedback System Response Sheet |
reverse | Copy Paste Dump - Text Reverser |
Rue changelog | Explore with Rue Changelog |
Rue guide Rue docs Rue manual Rue guidebook | Explore with Rue Guidebook |
Rue partners partners | Rue Partners Page |
rue.js | Rue script |
sandboxels:changes sandboxels:updates | Sandboxels Changelog |
sandboxels:mods mod list | Sandboxels Mod List |
sandboxels:pr sbpr | Sandboxels Pull Requests |
sandboxels sb sbxls sboxels sandboxgame | Sandboxels |
sarcastic | Copy Paste Dump - Sarcastic Case Generator |
sblite sandboxels lite | Sandboxels Lite |
sbwiki sbw sandboxelswiki wiki.gg wikigg | Sandboxels Wiki |
sequence | Sequence |
sga | Copy Paste Dump - Enchanting Table Generator |
shapes | Copy Paste Dump - Unicode Shapes |
shapes | R74n Shapes |
share share buttons | Share Buttons |
shorten shorten link link shortener | R74n Link Shortener |
sml | Social-Media-Lists |
social | R74n Social Accounts |
Special:RecentChanges | Newest R74n Wikibase Edits |
spoiler | Copy Paste Dump - Discord Spoiler Generator |
subtwts | Twitter Subcommunity List |
supporters | Supporter List |
supporters | Supporters |
symbols characters unicode | Copy Paste Dump - Text Symbols |
Talk:Community | R74n Wikibase Talk Page |
testing zone | R74n Testing Zone |
text converters | Copy Paste Dump - Text Converters |
tiktok tt @R74n.com | R74n TikTok |
tone indicators | Twitter Tone Indicator List |
twitch ttv | R74n Twitch |
twitter twt twttr @R74nCom | R74n Twitter |
txt textviewer view text | Text Viewer |
u/R74ncom | R74n YouTUbe |
unisearch us uni | UniSearch |
urlencode | Copy Paste Dump - URL Encoder |
uuid | Minecraft UUID Generator |
vaporwave | Copy Paste Dump - Vaporwave Text Generator |
view guestbook | Guestbook Page |
view moji viewmoji | R74moji / View |
whiteboard | Rue's Temporary Whiteboard |
wikibase wb data | R74n Wikibase |
wikidata wd | Wikidata |
wingdings | Copy Paste Dump - Wingdings Translator |
words | Words and Definitions |
youtube yt | R74n YouTube |
ywot commons:ywot ~R74n | Your World of Text |
zalgo | Copy Paste Dump - Zalgo Generator |
404 | 404 Page |
Rue has pre-defined responses for some phrases. Many Easter eggs and variants are not included in this list.
Phrases typically use regex, so variants may be accepted. These usually do not take arguments.
Message |
about about rue |
ads |
advertise |
affirmation compliment compliment me |
afk brb away from keyboard be right back |
AI |
analytics |
apply |
are you single? |
birth time |
birthday |
boo |
business |
can you help me? |
changelog changes new update what's new? |
channel discord channel |
clips newvid videos vids |
commands responses all commands every command cmds |
community discuss discussion friends |
computer |
contact |
creator developer programmer coder owner |
credit credits |
currency |
ellipsis |
embarrassing |
emergency 911 999 police ambulance fire |
emotes |
Explore with Rue |
get xp |
goodbye bye buh-bye! cya later Rue |
goodnight gn sweet dreams, friend sleep tight Rue |
gotta go gtg g2g |
hahaha hehehe ahaha mwahehehhaehehahahaa lol |
headpat |
hello hiiiiii good mornin' Rue! gm howdy, friend hey again |
help guide readme guidebook tutorial assistance manual |
how are you? hru how is Rue? how r u doing? |
how can you help? |
how do I use you? how to Explore with Rue |
how do you work? what can i do with rue? |
hug |
human |
i enjoy you |
i hate you |
i have a question faq q&a |
i'll do that |
info information |
intro |
javascript |
June |
kiss |
lang language |
level up |
lorem ipsum |
meow |
mods modding |
name origin |
name what is your name? |
no nah nope |
note |
of course ofc |
okay ok okie dokie! oki then alright then got u |
Ontomata |
personality type mbti |
please plz pretty please! |
prefix |
privacy |
pronouns |
purpose |
qbf quick brown fox |
R74n |
robot chatbot |
Rue help |
Rue |
Sandtiles |
save data |
settings options |
slap |
source code |
summon summon rue |
terms |
test testing |
thanks thank you tysm ty Rue! |
time zone timezone |
transfer data |
update |
watch out |
what can you do? what do i do? how can you help me? tell me something |
what're you doing? |
what's up? 'sup |
what's your favorite thing?* |
what's your purpose? |
where am i? where are we? where are you? |
where are you from? |
where do you live? |
who are you who is Rue what are you what is Rue who is this |
who created you? |
who |
why |
yes ya yeah yep yassssss |
you are descriptor* |
you are a thing* |
you are wrong liar you're lying |
you're welcome no problem anytime, Rue yw np |
you |
zodiac zodiac sign rising sign moon sign |
2023 |
... |
??? |
!!! !?!?!? |
Media Display
Rue has some pre-loaded images to show you. More media options may be added in the future.
This doesn't count images from commands!
Message | Description |
3D | Animated 3D R74n logo model |
avatar pfp profile picture | R74n logo avatar |
beloved | R74n heart locket GIF |
billboard | R74n billboard GIF |
CPD icon CPD logo CPD C | Copy Paste Dump logo |
emoji artist avatar emoji artist face emoji artist icon emoji artist logo | Avatar of emoji artist |
emoji artist beloved | emoji artist heart locket GIF |
flag | Waving R74n flag |
icon favicon logo | R74n logo |
reflection | R74n logo with reflection |
selfie blink | Image of Rue blinking |
selfie Ruemoji | Image of Rue |
wireframe | Animated 3D R74n logo model |
Rue can solve some basic math problems. Simply type it in and she'll get you the answer!
She is limited to the following symbols: + - * / ^ . e ( )
as well as Infinity
and NaN
The following are also permitted, and will be converted before calculation.
Input Text | Replaced With |
_ | Last calculation result |
Pi π | 3.141592653589793 |
Tau τ | 6.283185307179586 |
e | 2.718281828459045 |
⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ | ^x |
÷ | / |
× | * |
⅟ ½ ⅓ ¼ ⅕ ⅙ ⅛ ⅔ ⅖ ⅚ ⅜ ¾ ⅗ ⅝ ⅞ ⅘ | (x/x) |
Plus | + |
Minus | - |
Times | * |
Divided by | / |
Null | 0 |
A few phrases will be automatically capitalized when typed into Explore with Rue, in line with the R74n Capitalization Standard.
- R74n
- R74moji
- UniSearch
- Mix-Up!
URL Parameters
The following parameters can be added to the end of the URL of a page with Rue enabled.
For example, https://R74n.com/?rue=hello.
Parameter | Description |
?rue=text | Send a message to Rue on page load. |
?rue=false ?rue=off | Stop Rue from loading. |
?rue=true ?rue=on | Force load Rue if supported by page. |
If summoned via the bookmarklet, Rue will be hidden if an empty message is sent.
Developer Manual
The average user doesn't need to worry about anything in this section.
Enabling Rue
The Rue message box can be enabled on any webpage by adding the Rue script at https://R74n.com/rue/rue.js.
If a div
with the ID rueBox
is not on the page, one will be created. This is where Rue will be positioned on mobile devices. It is recommended to make it 66px tall to prevent jitter.
<script src="rue/rue.js"></script>
<div id="rueBox" style="height:66px"></div>
Response Subcommands
These strings will be parsed when using Rue.say()
There is a 1,000 subcommand limit per message.
Subcommand | Description |
{{act:text}} | *act out an action* |
{{ak}} | Display the user's action key (Ctrl or Cmd) |
{{arg:index}} | Argument of the command just said, index positive or negative |
{{args:joiner}} | All arguments of the command just said |
{{b:text}} | Make text bold |
{{bg:text|color}} | Add background color to text |
{{big:text}} | Make text bigger |
{{br}} | New line |
{{c:opt1|opt2|...}} | Choose a value randomly |
{{cc:characters}} | Choose character from string |
{{cmd:command|title}} | Clickable text to set the user's input |
{{code:text}} | Make text monospaced |
{{color:text|color}} | Make text colored |
{{comment:text}} | Not shown after text is parsed |
{{date}} | The current date |
{{emote:image url}} | Small in-line image |
{{header:text}} | Make text large like a title |
{{highlight:text}} | Add yellow highlight to text |
{{hour}} | The current hour's unique timestamp |
{{i:text}} | Make text italicized |
{{ib:text}} {{bi:text}} | Make text italicized and bold |
{{invis:text}} | Make text invisible but take up space |
{{kw:keywords key}} | Choose value from rueData.keywords |
{{l:links key}} | Choose value from rueData.links |
{{lower:text}} | Make text lowercase |
{{moji:id}} | In-line R74moji (e.g. cat) |
{{quote:text}} | Put text into a quote block |
{{r:responses key}} | Choose value from rueData.responses |
{{randchar}} | Random letter, digit, or symbol |
{{red:text}} {{orange:text}} {{yellow:text}} {{green:text}} {{lime:text}} {{cyan:text}} {{blue:text}} {{purple:text}} {{magenta:text}} {{pink:text}} {{black:text}} {{white:text}} {{gray:text}} {{brown:text}} | Make text colored |
{{redact:text}} | Make text black on a black background |
{{rng}} | Random digit 0-9 |
{{ruecoin}} | Ruecoin currency symbol |
{{sc:seed|opt1|opt2|...}} | Choose a value randomly with a seed |
{{small:text}} | Make text smaller |
{{spoiler:text}} | Hide text behind a spoiler button |
{{strike:text}} | Make text stuckthrough |
{{sub:text}} | Make text subscript |
{{sup:text}} | Make text superscript |
{{time}} | The current time |
{{title:text}} | Make text title-cased |
{{today}} | Today's unique timestamp |
{{ul:text}} | Make text underlined |
{{upper:text}} | Make text uppercase |
{{userseed:text}} | The user's unique seed |
{{year}} | The current year |
Special Responses
These responses are set to strings surrounded in square brackets, like [blank]. They store text that might be helpful elsewhere.
They can be added with the {{r}}
Example: {{r:[blank]}}
This list is incomplete.
String | Sample Response |
[blank] | Come on, say somethin'! |
[confirm] | Press me or [Enter] again to confirm! |
[confirmsearch] | Should I run a search |
[endactivity] | You've left the activity |
[error] | An error has occurred! D: |
[learnmore] | You can learn more about me here. |
[newtab] | Check out the tab that just opened! |
[sameurl] | That's where you're at! |
[unsure] | Umm.. I'm not sure how to respond! |
[wait] | Just a moment.. :) |
[wakeup] | Yawwwnnn.. Good morning! |
[whatsup] | Just learnin' some new commands! |
rueData Types
There are different types of rueData which all act differently. Most support regex if surrounded by slashes (/.../).
Data Type | Purpose |
rueData.activities | Functions that repeat until exited; Used with Rue.brain.stage |
rueData.commands | Functions that take list args (everything after command) |
rueData.exitTerms | A list of terms that can be used to exit an activity |
rueData.favorites | Favorite things of Rue's |
rueData.keywords | Says value if key is anywhere in text |
rueData.links | Goes to link |
rueData.mathReplacements | Replaces text before calculation |
rueData.media | Displays image |
rueData.replacements | Replaces text as typing |
rueData.responses | Responds if text matches exactly |
rueData.subcommands | Functions for parsing text |
rueData.totalities | Functions run if text matches exactly |
Rue Object
The Rue
object can be accessed globally if Rue is loaded, even in the console!
It contains functions that let Rue perform actions, and any data that has been stored.
Variable | Purpose |
Rue.say(text,options) | Create a speech bubble with a message;options is an object with color and/or bgcolor ;sad>>>message will run Rue.sad() instead |
Rue.hush() | Close the message box |
Rue.error(text) | Red message box |
Rue.success(text) | Green message box |
Rue.happy(text) | Green message box |
Rue.sad(text) | Blue message box |
Rue.angry(text) | Red message box |
Rue.love(text) | Pink message box |
Rue.flushed(text) | Yellow message box |
Rue.anxious(text) | Dark-purple message box |
Rue.official(text) | Cyan message box |
Rue.alert(text) | Vivid red message box |
Rue.loading() | Response from [wait] |
Rue.showMedia(url,message,caption) | Place an image, video, or audio player in the message box |
Rue.confirm(message,function) | Ask user to confirm before running function |
Rue.openLink(url) | Go to a URL in the browser |
Rue.blink() | Make Rue blink once |
Rue.getRue(key) Rue.setRue(key,value) Rue.addRue(key,value) Rue.delRue(key) | Get or manipulate user data about Rue |
Rue.getUser(key) Rue.setUser(key,value) Rue.addUser(key,value) Rue.delUser(key) | Get or manipulate user data about the user |
Rue.getEnv(key) Rue.setEnv(key,value) Rue.addEnv(key,value) Rue.delEnv(key) | Get or manipulate user data about Rue's environment |
Rue.startActivity(activity) | Start an activity from rueData.activities |
Rue.endActivity() | End the current activity |
Rue.sticky() | Prevent the message box from closing |
Rue.unsticky() | Allow the message box to close |
Rue.addRueData(dictionary) | Add data to rueData; Dictionary can be, for example,{
responses: {
"this is a test": "I think it worked!",
"another test": "This one worked too!",
} |
Rue.addItem(name,amount) | Give an item to the user |
Rue.calculate(expression) | Returns answer to math problem |
Rue.callAPI(url,function) | Run function after API is called; Function takes parsed JSON |
Rue.clearInput(text) | Clear the input box |
Rue.cooldown(seconds) | Prevent the Rue button being used |
Rue.copyText(text) | Copy text to the clipboard |
Rue.delItem(name,amount) | Take an item from the user |
Rue.die() | Have Rue pass away |
Rue.focus() | Focus on the input box |
Rue.getItem(name,amount) | Get the amount of an item a user has |
Rue.nextPage() | Goes to the next page if possible |
Rue.paginate(items,perPage,page) | Creates a page-by-page display |
Rue.playSound(url) | Play an audio file |
Rue.prevPage() | Goes to the previous page if possible |
Rue.send(text) | Send the message to Rue |
Rue.setInput(text) | Set the input box |
Rue.sleep() | Activate sleep mode |
Rue.unfocus() | Lose focus from the input box |
Rue.user.blink() | Have the user blink once |
Rue.user.die() | Have the user pass away |
Rue.user.overlay(color,opacity) | Add an overlay to the user's screen |
Rue.wait(seconds,function) | Run a function after an amount of time |
Rue.wake() | Deactivate sleep mode |
Rue.ask(question,function) | Call a function with the answer to a question |
Rue.repeatQuestion(message) | Asks the current question again |
Rue.cancelQuestion() | Stops the current question |
Rue.clearRueData() | Clear all Rue data to start from scratch |
Rue.onRueLoad(function) | Call a function when Rue is finished loading |
Rue.checkStreamerMode()/td> | Returns true if Streamer Mode is enabled |
Rue.uninstall()/td> | Removes Rue from the webpage |
Rue.stopBlinking()/td> | Prevents Rue from blinking |
Rue's Brain
Rue's brain is where her short-term memories go, which disappear when the page is closed or refreshed.
They are stored in Rue.brain
This list is incomplete.
Variable | Purpose |
Rue.brain.activity | Key of current activity |
Rue.brain.afterClickOff | Function to run after response is clicked away |
Rue.brain.cooldown | Seconds before the Rue button will be pressable again |
Rue.brain.sleeping | Clicks needed to wake up Rue |
Rue.brain.stage | Stage in the current activity |
Rue.brain.sticky | If Rue's message box is closeable |
Rue.brain.streamerMode | If Streamer Mode is enabled |
Rue.brain.actionKey | Either Ctrl or Cmd (Automatic) |
Rue.brain.closeMessageEvent | Function used to close the response box (Automatic) |
Rue.brain.confirming | If Rue is confirming a response (Automatic) |
Rue.brain.lastMessage | Last response from Rue.say() (Automatic) |
Rue.brain.loadEnd | Timestamp (ms) of when Rue finished loading (Automatic) |
Rue.brain.loadStart | Timestamp (ms) of when Rue began loading (Automatic) |
Rue.brain.loadTime | Milliseconds taken for Rue to load (Automatic) |
Rue.brain.source | How Rue was summoned ("bookmarklet", null) (Automatic) |
Rue.brain.speaking | If Rue's message box is visible (Automatic) |